Questionnaire Data From the Revision of a Chinese Version of Free Will and Determinism Plus Scale

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We reported a questionnaire dataset accumulated from the revision of a Chinese version of Free Will and Determinism Scale Plus (FAD+). In this dataset, we collected data from 1232 participants. The questionnaires used in data collection included the FAD+ and 13 other widely-used questionnaires or tests (for example, the Big Five Inventory, the Multidimensional Locus of Control, Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale, the General and Personal Belief in a Just World Scale, the Chinese Disgust Sensitivity Scale, the Moral Identity Questionnaire, the Moral Self-Image Scale). The sample size for these questionnaires are different, ranging from 33 to 1100. Our preliminary analysis revealed that scores of these scales are reliable (Cronbach’s alpha .52~.87, McDonald’s omega .63~.91). These data can be used for both research and educational purposes, e.g., examining cultural differences and measurement invariance on belief in free will, locus of control, belief in just world. All data, together with their codebooks and manipulation code, are available at

In Journal of Open Psychology Data
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